Sascha Martin's Rocket-Ship is Almost in Colour!

The full colour version of Sascha Martin's Rocket-ship is so close now! All the drawings are finished, the text is in place, the files are formatted and everything looks the way it's supposed to.

But just when you think you've got everything nailed down and your finger is poised above the "Publish" button there's always ...

Something that goes wrong at the last moment!


For the print-on-demand edition we have to fix up the ISBNs, because I forgot to tell Manuela they'd changed.


And our letter to readers at the end of the eBook edition has gone through so many versions that its head is just spinning.


Really we just want to thank the reader, and ask them to consider leaving a review of the book, because that will help other readers to discover us.

Otherwise, Sascha and his friends might disappear into a wormhole somewhere. Then they'd never be found by all the kids who would love reading their adventures.


And Mary-Alice Cooper would not be happy at all!


If you haven't seen Mary-Alice in High Dudgeon (that's a place she goes to when she's really, really upset) well, consider yourself lucky indeed. It's an experience you won't forget in a hurry.


Nothing will put her in High Dudgeon sooner, or faster, than being without an audience. And Mary-Alice trapped without an audience forever is just too frightening to contemplate!

It won't be long now till Sascha Martin's Rocket-Ship is ready in all its colour and mayhem. A matter of days.

Would you like me to let you know when it's available? Well, if you sign up to my newsletter I'll be able to do just that. It's hosted by Mailchimp, and they're really big on not sharing people's email addresses. So am I. 

Have a look round the site. Check out the books and characters pages. And Mary-Alice would want me to add that she has a page of her own, and a blog of her own, and a banner of her own, and a Twitter page of her own. Even though the hero of the series is actually Sascha.

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Comments: 1
  • #1

    Mary-Alice Cooper (Sunday, 03 July 2016 01:00)

    Oh my god I can't believe you said that! Sascha is the hero of the series? Look without me he wouldn't even find his way to school and back. The number of times he and Luca have just wandered off the path and when I find them they say they're not lost at all, just hiding from me (as if they ever would!) but I know the truth and it's a very, very sad truth: they'd lost be lost without me. Permanently. Absolutely hopeless. But I accept their failings and I'm prepared to guide them and look after them and keep them out of trouble and let them be a part of my circle and now you say ... Oh my god I can't make myself repeat it. That Sascha is the hero!? Really?